Testing Children

We test babies and children, as well as adults

Making it fun!

Why Test Babies

Why Test 4 year-olds

We make it fun!

Assessing the hearing of babies and children can be challenging but we are all experienced Paediatric Audiologists and we make it fun.

We use games, puppets, videos, cars, peg boards and puzzles.

OAE Testing can be performed while babies are asleep.

Why test children & babies

It is important to test babies and children:

  • When a follow-up check is advised after SWISH Testing at birth
  • When there is a family history of hearing loss
  • As part of the 4 YEAR CHECK UP – before your child starts school
  • For those who were born overseas – because they may not have had their hearing assessed as part of a neonatal screening program – like our SWISH

We also test children who have :

  • Listening problems
  • Speech development problems including delayed speech
  • Autism or Aspergers
  • Behavioural Problems
  • Attention or learning issues

Why do we check children’s hearing before they start school?

We perform checks as children grow because a child’s hearing may change over time – often without the child or parent or teacher noticing. Research indicates that up to 15% of primary school children may be affected by a slight to mild hearing loss (Hearing Schools Study: 2015). That’s why it’s important to monitor a child’s hearing even when they have passed previous tests.

Many children were born outside of Australia, which means they may not have been tested at birth as part of a Neonatal Screening Program – like our SWIS-H Program. It’s important that these children are tested as soon as possible – preferably before they start primary school.

Children with a hearing loss – even a mild loss – may have delayed speech and language development and may struggle to keep up in the classroom. Their ability to grasp the basics of reading is often affected.

We want to give our children the best possible chance when it comes to developing speech and language. Checking their hearing and addressing any hearing issues early, gives them the opportunity to start their learning years with every advantage. And that’s what we want for all of our children.